Sunday, December 6, 2009


Yes me, I am a slacker. I'm sorry I have not posted in such a long time but I am back now! I will try to be better. A lot has been going on in the last month or so! Thanksgiving was great, we had a really good time with Chris's family coming down here, the meal was great with no major catastrophes, and we played an awesome game that had us all laughing hysterically for hours. It was a very nice holiday other than the fact that Chris had to work that night and the night before so he had to sleep all day and then eat and go to work. But he was able to stop by and we all hung out Friday all day because he had the weekend off.
The week before Thanksgiving my friends Heather and Erica from college came down. Erica is from this area so she was down visiting her family and Heather flew down to meet Kennadi and hang out so we all spent the weekend together. It was a lot of fun! We went to the beach and just hung out and relaxed, it was so good to have all of us together again. The last time was at Erica's wedding in June of 08!
Chris and I also had the Marine Corps Birthday Ball in November. Chris had to go to 2 balls but I only went to one with him. Unfortunately Kennadi and I were both pretty sick so I didn't have a great time but it was still fun. I am looking forward to next years' ball in hopes that I am healthy and can enjoy myself. Heather and Seth watched Kennadi and she did great for them so I was thankful for that! Chris had an awesome time a both, but was bummed that I was sick and couldn't enjoy it as much.
Kennadi reached another milestone this month right after Thanksgiving which has left me even more busy! She is now crawling and she gets around pretty darn fast! She pretty much went from scooting backwards and being frustrated to crawling forward overnight. At first she only crawled to try to get to where I was and she didn't get into anything. She was also pretty uncoordinated and slow so I knew she wouldn't get into too much if I turned my back for a moment. A week later is a different story! She is all over the place getting into trouble. She loves cords of course and tries to get to the TV and phone cords so that's one issue. The tree is a whole different story because she likes to try to pull on the cord for the lights as well as the ornaments. She is not very easily distracted with toys either, I pull her away and she goes right back. She does listen to the word no though and she knows my tone of voice when I mean business. She will crawl towards it and I say her name and she sits and whines because she knows she will not get away with it. It's pretty funny. One night we were sitting in the living room on the floor and she kept reaching up to touch the ornaments, I said no and she sat back down so I clapped and told her she did a great job listening. Well that quickly turned into a game and she now goes up to the ornaments, puts her hand up near it, then sits and claps. I guess at least she isn't pulling on them still so mission accomplished! Today her favorite thing to do is crawl to the front room by the door and play with the shoes lined up there. I ran into her room for about 10 seconds and she had made it all the way from her playroom through the house to the entryway and had one of my shoes in her hands with the biggest smile on her face. I guess I need to do things while she is sleeping now:)
This weekend my dad and Lynda came down to go Christmas shopping and we shopped all day and Kennadi did great. She sat in the stroller and hardly fussed all day. She is a good little shopper already! It was great seeing my dad and Lynda and they loved playing with Kennadi all weekend!
So those are the latest updates, not much else is new. We are looking forward to the holidays. We will be spending Kennadi's first Christmas morning with just the three of us and she will open her presents here. Chris works all night Christmas Eve and will get home Christmas morning hopefully by 8:00. After she opens her presents we will load up and drive to Victorville for the weekend with Chris's family and then head up to Mammoth for the week. It will be great to see everyone and especially great for Chris to have some time off with us since he works so much and he is really looking forward to snowboarding. Chris is also getting promoted to 1st Lieutenant this month so we are excited about that as well! We hope everyone is well and enjoyed Thanksgiving!

A couple random pictures:

First spaghetti experience, it was such a mess that she also got her first hose down in the shower before her bath.

When daddy plays with Kennadi, he thinks it is funnier than she does:

USMC Birthday Ball:She just sat in the hallway and stared at Chris while he got ready, so cute.

Kennadi's First Thanksgiving!
Chris got home just in time to help me with the turkey, I hate touching raw meat so he did all the dirty work before he went to sleep for the day.
Turkey PJs:)

First Turkey Dinner:

Trip to the beach with Heather and Erica, all the other pictures are on Heather's camera

Playing with her hair

Christmas Photo Shoot: Stephanie came over and took Christmas pictures for our card. Thanks Steph!

The first video is of the week before she started crawling when she would get frustrated going backwards. The second video is of the night she started crawling forward:)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween and 6 month pictures

Happy November! We hope everyone had a great Halloween. I can't believe it is November already! This means Kennadi is officially 7 months old and her 1st birthday is less than a half a year away! She is doing very well and is a very happy baby. She is not crawling yet but is starting to go from sitting to her belly without doing a belly flop so she is gaining better control of her arms. Crawling is probably not too far off! She still only has the two bottom teeth but the top ones look like they are starting to come down. She hasn't been overly fussy or anything though so it may be a while before they poke through if it is anything like the bottom two. Chris got back Friday night from his Missouri trip so we are glad to have him back. We kept very busy while he was gone so it went by fast. Kennadi is so happy to have her dad back every time she sees him she gets so excited. He already started teaching her how to get into mischief by throwing her ball pit balls at the fan in her playroom so they scatter everywhere. She thinks it's funny, me, not so much. Here are some pictures of the last few weeks and a few from before that!

These first two are just a couple of pictures that Stephanie took so they are old but cute!

This was one Stephanie took while we were at the mall one day in the play yard
6 month photos! Again, Stephanie and her wonderful camera took these. Thanks Steph!!

Kennadi got a new car seat on Halloween, hers is getting wayy too small for her and it was looking rather unsafe, I think she grew like 2 inches in the last 2 weeks. So we went out and bought the same one that our friends had and loved. So far she loves it, I put her in it this morning in the living room to test out the strap length and she was happy. We installed it today and went out and she just looked out the window the whole time, I think she likes sitting up more rather than being tilted back with her infant carrier. She also loves the strap that tightens the shoulder straps, she always chewed on it in her old seat and now she does with this one too. It is short enough that it can't get around her neck but long enough to reach her mouth so I don't mind her chewing in it if we have more peaceful car rides! She is holding it in this picture:)

Kennadi was rather fussy on Halloween because she only had one nap. So we couldn't get her to smile in her costume for pictures. So when she woke up this morning (at 5:45 due to the time change) I put her back in it for some pictures. She was better but only if she had a toy in her hand. So I decided if she had to hold a toy she may as well hold something that matched the costume. I also put the bow on her costume last night after she got called a boy by a neighbor, I knew that would happen!

Halloween PJs
Halloween night

Payton did not like her costume! She pulled on the hood the whole time until Heather took the hood off, it was funny
They wouldn't look at the camera but considering both were fussy it is probably better this way!
By the end of the night both Payton and Kennadi's costume's changed from animals to white trash babies because they were both in diapers only as we handed out candy. They were happy and it was hot so we didn't care! We got a ton of trick or treaters as well!

Of course the box to the car seat is way more fun than the seat so we let the girls play. As always Kennadi just laughed while Payton scaled the walls of the box, these two are nothing but trouble!

Crazy Halloween Hair

We got rid of Kennadi's infant bath because she sits so well, she loved being able to play in the big bath!
Cute PJs Nana got her

Payton and Kennadi at it again! This night was so funny because Payton kept playing peek a boo with her blanket and Kennadi was hysterically laughing at her. Kennadi finally has started to take interest in other kids, before, Payton and Lena would crawl all over her and she wouldn't even flinch, now they grab at each other and think it is so funny.

Going to the Fall Festival

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch and other random pics

This week we took a trip to the pumpkin patch in Temecula so that Chris could go. he is gone for 2 weeks till Halloween so we wanted to go before he left. It was a lot of fun, Kennadi had a blast and was loving looking around at everything. Of course when we set her next to the pumpkins all she wanted to do was play with them instead of look at us for pictures:) We got a couple good ones though. Our neighbors Stephanie and Lena went with us and Lena had a great time wandering around on her own 2 feet! (She just learned how to walk:). Not much is new, just looking forward to Chris getting back and he has only been gone for 2 hours! We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall!

Some Random Pics:

This is her hair after the pigtails, hilarious. She is looking at me like a teenager would look at a parent who won't put the camera away:)

I gave her avocado and she loved it the first day and then the second day she kept licking it and making faces. But she kept on eating it, it was so funny
Then she kept spiting it out with her tongue but would put the mesh thing right back in her mouth again

Pumpkin Patch:

Stephanie, Lena, Kennadi and Me in the corn maze

She had a bit of a cold this week so her eyes are a little watery and I kept having to wipe her poor nose, but she was very smiley!

Heather got us this hat and bib so we put it on her, it was hilarious

More Random Pics:
All ready for church

We buried her in the ball pit

The other day I was in the kitchen and she was playing and I heard her laugh so I looked in. She has fallen backwards from sitting and landed on her toys and I guess she thought it was really funny because she was laughing and smiling. Usually she gets upset when she falls but I think since she fell onto soft books she liked it.

This is just a video of her laughing that was cute so I thought I would share it. Chris asked why I kept zooming in and out, so just so everyone knows, I wasn't zooming, I was playing with her while holding the camera so it goes in and out:)