Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So while I was pregnant Chris would feel Kennadi kick and ask "what the heck is she doing in there?" Well this is what she was doing. This is also probably why my ribs hurt so bad and were bruised towards the end of the pregnancy! She does this all day when she lays on her back, she switches legs but favors one. She does it a lot while I change her which makes in interesting!

Kennadi has been going through a phase where she wont sleep during the day unless she is held or in the car or laying in bed with me. It is very frustrating because I cant get anything done and she is so fussy at the end of the day because she is tired. It makes running errands easy because as long as she is in her carseat and on the move she is fine but the minute we get home and I put her seat down she is up. Well today we had a breakthrough and she slept in her bouncy seat for 2 and a half hours! She woke up and whined a couple times but I rocked her seat and she was fine. Then she woke up and ate and went right back down. I got dishes and laundry done, the living room cleaned, thank you cards written, dinner prepped, and I voted! It was a very productive day!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Look at me holding my head up!

This is how I sleep the best, mom wishes dad could stay home all day so she could sleep more and get housework done!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3 Weeks

Yesterday was Kennadi's 3 week birthday. It has flown by but also feels like she has been here forever. We are getting into more of a schedule but as other moms have told me, the minute you get into one schedule the baby changes and throws it off, so I am not holding my breath that we will keep a tight schedule. Her sleeping is the same, she still wakes every three hours for feedings. This week I am going to try to get her to go a little longer between feedings at night so we will see how that goes. She is more alert and awake during the days but we still haven't seen a real smile so we are looking forward to that! Chris is still working long hours but has days off every few days so that's good. Other than that not much has changed since last week, still going day by day and learning new things as we go!She is fitting into her 3 month clothes, I have already had to put away all the newborn stuff, luckily we didn't have a whole lot of it since we knew she would grow fast.

While Drake and Cip were here we went to the Mechanized museum on base.

Drake was very interested in Kennadi and would just watch her. He kept asking "what's that?" and everytime she cried he would run to see what she was doing. He wouldn't touch her, he just stood and stared, it was pretty funny.

Our first beach trip. Cip and Drake were visiting so we took Drake to the beach for a while, it was fun to watch him play. Kennadi slept the entire time.

We can't believe how big she has gotten!

She has quite the temper and is happy one second and looks like this the next. It only take another second for her to calm down though. It's actually pretty funny to watch.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Well we have made it almost 2 weeks. Time is flying by but I think that's partly because my brain is blurred by lack of sleep and I am pretty much a zombie most of the day. I find myself torn between getting housework done and trying to sleep while she does. I know what I am supposed to do, but the house is such a mess I feel like I need to get that done too. I never get very far though because she hasn't been sleeping for long periods of time the last couple days. She has been having some tummy issues which the lactation consultant says is just what happens at her age. We are anxiously waiting for that stage to pass. Most nights she sleeps for about 3 hours at a time and wakes to eat. For the first feeding she goes back to sleep pretty well but for the second one she is wide awake and fussy.

Chris went back to work today and I am missing the help already! It was nice having him here to do things. Hopefully tonight when he gets home Kennadi will be happy and I will be able to get away to the grocery store for a while and leave her with him. I never thought I would look forward to grocery shopping but right now just getting out of the house alone is an exciting prospect no matter where I go.
We are still having feeding issues and the lactation consultant is as perplexed about it as we are. She knows how to eat and there are no other apparent issues, she is just stubborn. So we are still working on it and letting her get used to it for a couple more weeks and then we will see what changes need to be made again. It is getting old struggling with it but everytime we have a good feeding it renews my hope that we will be able to do it eventually.

Yesterday for Easter we went to our friends' house for brunch. They have a 2 month old daughter and another couple that came has a 6 month old daughter so it was fun to see the girls all together. I enjoyed being able to sit down and talk to friends finally and they had a lot of good advice for what we are going through so it helped!
I added some more pictures below, I can't believe how fast she is growing everyday! I think her cheeks have doubled in size, they are so chubby and cute!
Easter photo shoot

First Walk

She always touches her face when she sleeps

First nap in her crib, it was short lived due to the trash pick up making too much noise (note to self: naps on Monday's in the living room)

First Easter

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1 Week Old

Well we have made it a week and Kennadi is growing and changing everyday. She is a very good baby and only cries when she is really hungry and sometimes at night when I am trying to sleep. We are still trying to work on the breastfeeding and it is still a challenge, however we are working with a lactation consultant and trying to fix the problem. We are also trying to figure out how to keep her awake in the evening hours because it seems that she sleeps best then and then when we try to go to bed she wants to be awake. I am exhausted and am trying to get rest but with all the visitors it is hard to take the breaks I need. Next week should be a little slower when Chris goes back to work and I can concentrate on trying to get her on somewhat of a schedule. I am healing well although it is a slow process and I am still sore from the C Section. Everyday gets a little easier to get around so I am looking forward to when I can do things myself again and get some much needed exercise.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kennadi Faith

Well we are home and life is very busy. Kennadi Faith was born on March 31st at 2:00am weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces and measuring 19 and 1/2 inches long. After 24 hours of labor (12 of which I had no pain meds) I made it to 9 and 1/2 centimeters and didn't progress past there. The doctors decided that it would bein mine and the baby's best interest to have a cesarean. I was not happy with the decision but I wanted to make sure Kennadi was safe so we went for it. She came out screaming and immedately grabbed her fingers and started sucking on them. She already puts anything that goes near her into her mouth including her IV tube and blankets. The morning after her birth she was having trouble holding her temperature and she was throwing up fluids so they took her to the special care nursery. She was in there for almost 2 days and I had to go from the 7th to the 2nd floor everytime I wanted to see her or feed her. It was hard to see her in there with the IV and monitors on her. They finally figured out that she had swallowed fluid during the c-section and they emptied her stomach and she was fine. They had put her on antibiotics at that point to make sure she didn't have an infection so she couldn't come back with us till she was weaned off of that and the fluids. I was not able to feed her for a whole day which has now made it very difficult to breastfeed. We are working on it and hopefully will be seeing a lactation consultant tomorrow to get some help. We went to the doctor the day after she was released and she had lost weight so we went back the next day and she had gained some back so that was good. Overall the birth experience was very stressful and definitely not how we had planned it. We are glad that Kennadi is safe and home with us. She is a good baby and sleeps most of the time, other than the feedings she is a perfect baby. Of course we are exhausted and I am slowly healing but have been really sore so it is hard to get around and do things. We have some help but I can't wait to get back to normal and be able to do things by myself again and have our house back to normal (of course normal now being with a baby added to the mix).