Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We made it!

A whole year is past! We can't believe it. Kennadi has more and more personality everyday and it is a good and sometimes challenging thing. She is quite head strong and loud when she wants to be, which is a lot of the time, but she is also so sweet and funny. She loves to dance, every time there is any kind of music, including people's ring tones, she starts dancing, it is hilarious. She also seems to know what kind of dancing to do to certain music. For Chris's type she bangs her head (he taught her that), for other kinds she moves her hips, and others she just rocks her upper body. It is hilarious.

The birthday party went great, we missed everyone who couldn't make it! For her actual birthday we went to Disneyland with Chris's family. It was a lot of fun. Kennadi did quite well for being so thrown off her schedule and being in a new place for 2 days. She was rarely cranky and enjoyed a lot of it. Most of the rides she was indifferent, she looked around but had no expression until of course a ride had a dog or bird in it and then she got excited. The Bug's Life show at California Adventures was a no go for her though, it freaked her out and I had to take her out, it was too loud and when giant bugs spit liquid at you and talk I agree with her, it is quite creepy.

She is still not fully walking, she stand up and takes steps but then decides to crawl to get there faster. She will walk eventually, probably soon, and I am sure I will miss her crawling stage. She already wants to walk everywhere holding mine or Chris's hands, her favorite is holding both of ours and walking. Right now though it takes forever to get anywhere because she walks so slow and stops every 5 steps to wave hi or bye at someone or point at birds, it is pretty adorable.

We are still waiting on the house. Things are getting there but it won't be for sure for a few weeks so I will update once I know more about that. Thanks everyone for keeping up with the blog over the last year! We are looking forward to many more years of keeping everyone who is so far away closer through it!
Here are the pictures of the last few weeks in backwards order:

**There aren't many pictures of the party yet, they on on the way, I was so busy chatting with people I didn't take many. But thank goodness a few friends and family were gracious enough to take some so we will have them soon. For Disneyland unfortunately we brought our camera and the battery ran out halfway through the day. No one else brought one so we don't have too many of there, but we did take some with our phones so we will hopefully have a few once we get them uploaded. **

For Easter we went to Victorville to be with family. We went to church and Kennadi did great in their nursery, I swear I can leave her with anyone and she enjoys herself.

The Saturday before Easter we had a neighborhood egg hunt and brunch. It was a lot of fun and Kennadi stood up from the ground all by herself for the first time.

I don't think any of the kids were looking at the camera!
Disneyland!She looovves Merry Go Rounds. Everywhere we go where they have one she squeals and points and just loves it! She claps and waves when it starts.

Tired Girl

She is getting so big!

Relaxing in the backyard in her new beach chair while daddy grills
I love the ways she sleeps

The day after the party my whole family was still here and we all hung out in the backyard, the weather was perfect!

Every time she eats now she mashes food in her hands and rubs it through her hair like hair gel, it is disgusting and even the bath doesn't get it all out, I have to comb it out after. I am beginning to see why most babies don't have so much hair!
At the end of the day she was so exhausted she clunked out with Kama

Her new wagon from Grandpa and Grandma Lynda, she loves it! Every time we go through the garage and she sees it we have to go for a loop around the driveway in it, we take her to the park and mailbox in it everyday too and she has a huge grin on her face the whole time.
I made monkey cupcakes as well as many others too, we had way too many!

"This is how I feel about the camera mom"

After 7 months of having her hair in clips or hair ties most of the time, she has finally figured out they are there. Her hair is way too long and does not stay out of her face but she won't keep anything in her hair, so she looks like this on a daily basis, especially after she has eaten and has food in her hair.

Chris's family got this hat for her at Disneyland and she loves it, she always finds it in her playroom and brings it to me to put on her head. It doesn't stay on when she crawls, it falls on her face, but she brings it right back to put back on, she loves it!
The first video is of her crawling and trying to stand in the grass to get to the sidewalk. The second is of her at Kathy's yelling down to us from the stairs, she loves climbing stairs and thought it was hilarious to yell through the posts.

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